Saturday, August 25, 2012

Mindless Wildfire?

There was a fire near Canillas de Aceituno, in the Axarquia region where I live, yesterday........ in fact as I type I just saw a helicopter going off in that direction, I imagine on one of many 'check' flights to ensure the flames haven't taken hold again. 85 hectares - 210 acres - that's a LOT of land - was engulfed in the several hours the fire had hold. I think because of the wind direction, the village nearby escaped damage. Just thinking, though - what caused it? Sometimes when you read up about forest fires, wildfires, whatever they're called at the time; it turns out someone's stupidity was at the root of it all. A casually, and thoughtlessly, chucked cigarette but. A smashed beer bottle causing smouldering because of the intensity of the sun. An abandoned country BBQ not damped down with water. Such carelessness. Don't people think? Well clearly not - but it only takes a moment to reflect on the consequences of your actions and see both the negatives and positives if you do a certain thing, say a particular thing. PBT's all about that. Visualising the outcome by pressing Pause and giving yourself that 'safe' time, giving yourself the space to not bother about the immediate, just slow the process down. As I said, we don't know (I did just google the local media...) what caused the fire but if it was someone's stupid mindless action, what would it have cost them to press that pause button and think of the effect on so many other people's lives? Saludos Fiona

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