Friday, July 20, 2012

Pause Think Decide Act

Ok sitting in rainsoaked England having just finished proof-reading Pause Button Therapy. Not (too) many errors. Just have to arrange to compile a joint version of corrections with Martin next week. Was wondering which of today's news stories would provide the best potential Pause Button Moment. Which celeb really should have Stopped, Thought, Decided THEN Acted? saludos Fiona

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Praise Indeed......

One of the praise pieces we received too late to get into the book (I think) was from inspirational author and visiting Professor at Stafford Uni Nick Clements. I quote: As someone who has worked with teenagers and particularly men and boys, I welcome suggestions that seek to address our present social problems. These problems are a result of our fear-driven and conforming patterns of behaviour and mindsets. The PBT concept addresses the vital moment of decision making in all our lives - continue with the old pattern, or break it and create a new one. It is an effective and modern approach to an age old problem. As the book says 'all the best ideas are simple'. Nick Clements, author of 'The New Ages of Men' Thank you Nick.

Friday, July 13, 2012

More of the same (nearly)

Goodness what a busy old world this social media biz is.......... Ok stuck record, I admit it but heavens to betsy you could turn into a troglodyte with all the pixelproduction required on a daily basis. Anyhow: The brilliant news is that Hay House have PDF'd us the first proofs of Pause Button Therapy which we now have to read and turn round back to them complete with notes within about 10 days. Meanwhile there are decisions going on behind the scenes about our exciting presentation to be given at the first International Conference on Time Perspective, at the University of Coimbra, in Portugal, in September. Decisions to be made about Delegate Packs, yay or nay, etc., also ref. Portugal. Decisions to be made about contact with the US trademark wallahs, etcetera etcetera.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Charlie Taylor take note!

Social media. Well there's a phrase to strike fear into the heart and mind of technodinosaurs such as myself.  .........  actually that's putting myself down unnecessarily.  Should have pressed Pause!  Nope, I'm not a total pixelinnocent but I sure as heck find working my way round Pinterest, LinkedIn, Listorious, et al, a *ahem* challenge!
So I've started; targeted, non-targeted, blogging, not to mention untold hours on Google figuring the tiniest of detail (such as how to change the language on Blogger given the ether knows I'm in Spain so wants me more fluent than I am).
Oh, Pause Button Therapy the book?  Well I'll be meeting a couple of the Hay House team later this month all things being equal so that's another box ticked.  The book's NovelRank rankings look a tad high (which means low) but given it's not even published until October 1 that's no bad thing.  I'm keen to go hard on getting into the kind of circles teachers, governors, education authorities and with a bit of luck Charlie Taylor, the government 'behaviour tsar' might see................
Off to Google again!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Finally!  Finally I figured how to (a) NOT delete myself (!) (b) restore life to the PBT Book blog and (c) get it into English...........   Not sure how I managed the latter, but it matters not. 
Had a great Skype conference call with Carolyn and Cameron at Hay House today, got all systems go on social media publicity for the upcoming publication, and this dear reader (?)  is just the start.
Hey ho better put a piccie up.